Monday, June 21, 2010

School again after 5 years.

So after 5 years (well technically 2) of not being in school I have started school again. I am going to DXATC for Medical Assisting. So far so good. I am enjoying the things that I have been learning so far. Most of it is basic stuff, like Math, Computer, and Terminology. I am really liking the terminology. I thought it would be a lot harder but the book really breaks it down and it is really easy when you stop and think about it.

Kaylee is doing awesome. She is the smartest little kid I have ever met. She is so sassy and just so far beyond her years its not funny. Every day I wake up to her doing or saying something new and I think to myself.....should a 4 year old know that or be able to do that? It quite entertaining.
Taylor has been sick and we didn't even know it. The other day we went to Christians softball game and he was so fussy. Nothing was making him feel better. It was one of those, "Where are your parents?" moments then I realize Crap! I'm the we ended up leaving before his second game and he just was screaming and crying the whole way home. We got home and he seemed to be better and ate and went to bed shortly after. The next day he was scratching at his armpits so hard that I finally took his shirt off and he had what looked like hives all over. On top of that he was stuffy so I decided to call and make an appointment for him at his pediatricians office. So Christian took him to the doctor. This lady PA came in at first and you could tell that she was very new to all of this. She said she thought it was hives. Dr. Twiggs (who is the best pediatrician in the world) came in and looked at him and said, "uh no, those are not hives." "They are infected skin cells." We have no idea what caused him to scratch so hard but in doing so he infected the skin, and on top of that we found out that he had a ear infection as well....No wonder the poor kid was so mad.  The weird thing is that the skin thing wasn't there the night before he went to the doctor. It just showed up that next morning. So he is on an antibiotic and has been for 2.5 days and I can already tell the difference. Other than that he is doing really good. He still is not ready for the potty training thing but hopefully soon. He is starting to talk a lot better and we can understand a little bit more or what he is saying....sometimes it is so funny to listen to him try to say things. Like when he tries to say Tarzan it comes out Tar No or Tar An. Its funny. He runs around saying what is suppose to be Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy but it comes out Merman and Barnbob Boy with his finger up in the air.. I love it.... They are so much fun and I don't want them to get any bigger....Right now Kaylee is saying, "Young man....Tay Tay...Hey Tay Tay." to Taylor.....She is such a little mommy to him....
Anyways that is enough for now I guess.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Human chorionic gonadotropin or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)

I have spent a lot of time researching the hCG diet. Today I decided to order it and it should be here in the next four days. I can't wait to start it and I am hoping to have as much success as all those I know who have done it and loved it. As soon as I start the diet I am going to blog about it. I can't wait! I am so excited and its all I have been thinking about for a long time now. I am super determined to do this. I CAN do this. I will do this!
